JOBO JO E6 Color 6 bath Kit 2.5 ltr (03E-9220)
The JOBO Developer for color positive film will allow you to achieve exactly the look that you would be expecting from the film emulsion of your choice. In order to maximise the longevity of the chemistry of the 2.5 L kit, JOBO is offering the classic 6-Bath process. The complete 6-Bath process consists of first developer, reversal bath, color developer, conditioner, bleach, and fixer. The stabilizer which should be applied in a separate bath outside the JOBO processor is also included. No 3-bath kit will achieve the same quality in terms of D-max and color saturation as this 6-bath kit. Perfect for rotary processing at the highest quality (2.5 litre kit can process from 20 to 40 rolls of film).
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